Your Home, Designed For You

family room interior oak ridge tn

Today with our social media-driven lifestyles, we’re often chasing the latest trends, going after the latest it piece, or hot colors. But it doesn’t have to be that way. At Decorating Den Interiors – Kozar Design Team we design rooms, and even whole homes to be for you and your style.

bedroom room interior oak ridge tn

We do stay on top of trends, which helps us help you. We’re able to navigate your design based on them, but we do so with the intent on making your room timeless and customized to fit your personality.

We often utilize trendier elements as pillows or art work, and go more classic and timeless with the sofa or the case goods. This way, your home feels curated and uniquely styled for you. Also, as your interests and taste preferences change, this allows your home to grow with you with a few simple changes.

dining room interior oak ridge tn

No one wants to live in a showroom, so we infuse the room with your personality and interests. Want to experience the difference? Call us today for your virtual or in-person consultation.



Sandy Kozar
Owner/Interior Designer
Y O U R    P E R S O N A L    D E S I G N E R S
Our focus is on top-notch customer service, from beginning to end. Our award-winning interior designs include our complimentary consultation.  We can make your design dreams a reality!

 S C H E D U L E   Y O U R   P H O N E    A P P T :
865-392-6222  |





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