Sandy is Featured in House Beautiful!

5 Tips for Empty Nesters Looking for a Revamp!

There’s a lot of space, and opportunity, when the kids move out.

Facing an empty nest can be daunting and emotional, but it’s also an opportunity. Newly vacated bedrooms offer fresh real estate to usher in changes and start a new phase of life – one that’s tailored to you, not the kids.

From how to upgrade the dining room to the best way to organize keepsakes, here are five tips for empty nesters looking to refresh their homes.

Click here to READ MORE 

Sandy Kozar
Owner/Interior Designer
D E S I G N S   Y O U   C A N   T R U S T

Our focus is on top notch customer service, from beginning to end. Our award-winning interior designs include our complimentary consultation.  We can make your design dreams a reality!

 S C H E D U L E   Y O U R   A P P O I N T M E N T :
865-392-6222  |


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