Glamorous Lodge Dining Room

We brightened their dark wooden lodge home with SW 6098 Pacer White and incorporated creamy classic furniture to create this transitional dining room. With a floral crystal chandelier, mica wallpaper, Capiz shell buffet, hand knotted wool rug, and custom faux silk window treatments, this dining room feels glamorous and elegant.

Location: Loudon, TN

Designer Credits: Sandy Kozar & Rachael Sheridan

Project Overview:

This recently purchased home was dark with beautiful woodwork and architectural details. The mountain lodge feeling that it had did not match the client’s light and bright aesthetic. Additionally, there were many pieces from their Florida home that they wanted to incorporate that wasn’t working with the existing color palette, but they really liked the character of the wood in the home. Since we had worked with this couple on two of their previous summer homes, they knew that we could help them combine the warmth of the architecture with their brighter style. For the dining room some of the pieces were damaged in transit so we helped them repair the ones that could be and replaced those that couldn’t.

We brightened their dark wooden lodge home with SW 6098 Pacer White and incorporated creamy classic furniture to create this transitional dining room. With a floral crystal chandelier, mica wallpaper, Capiz shell buffet, hand knotted wool rug, and custom faux silk window treatments, this dining room feels glamorous and elegant. We looked at their available pieces that they had in their Florida home and selected a beautiful white stained table. We also added two host chairs to maximize the ceiling height. In the cove, we added a sparkling brilliant mica wallpaper in a smokey quartz color which reflects the light from the new crystal chandelier statement piece. This stunning chandelier features hand blown and placed flower blossoms. A new buffet was selected to coordinate with the nearby family room with a radial pattern of Capiz shell intricately inlaid on the front. A new pair of blown glass lamps were selected to frame the client’s original artwork. The wool rug underneath collects all of the watery colors of the room, beige, cream, aqua, and teal in a pattern like agate bands. This room also features a window nook which is perfect for these two wing chairs and a welcoming lamp at the front window. Flanking these chairs is a pair of beautiful faux silk window treatments that draw your eye up to the arched hallway. These window panels are lined and interlined and adorned with a thread wrapped beaded tassel to emphasize the leading edges. These also wrap around the corner to maximize both the view and bring the nook into the room. We opted to wrap the 30″ panels around the outside corners to make the window feel larger and add the elegance of a full-length drapery panel without taking away from the view. This required both inside and outside elbow joints to accommodate the shape, but the finished result speaks for itself. On the opposite wall is a large eglomise mirror and a small mother of Capiz Shell table. Finally, along the staircase leading downstairs, we have added two long benches as well as a coordinating wool runner rug.


Photography by Taylor Martin Photography

Glamorous Lodge Dining Room